End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 10: Will This Jewish Rabbi Become The Biblical Antichrist?
This video was originally produced and published in April, 2021. Doug has been stating since beginning the “End Times Dates” series in 2019 that the Antichrist will come from Syria, that he will be revealed in March of 2021, along with the beginnings of World War 3. It appears that Doug was 100% correct. On March 24th, Ukraine and Russia began what is amounting to a nuclear face-off over the disputed Donbas and Crimea regions in Ukraine, where NATO (i.e. the U.S.) will surely be involved as well. Also, at the beginning of Passover 2021 (following a global prayer by the Jews for a revealing of their “messiah”), on March 27th a Jewish Rabbi made his world “debut” at the Western Wall in Jerusalem – in a now viral video, where he is worshipped, kissed, and lauded by the crowd. Who is this man? Where did he come from? Will he become the Jewish “moshiach” – therefore, the biblical Antichrist? Doug believes he might very well be that person. Does his name add up to “666”? Find out in this video.
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) – https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
The Yanuka / Rav Shlomo Yehuda’s Bio PDF – https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aku-IsIoYig4yEyMKypSsMW0OkUc?e=28B3nm
The Yanuka / Rav Shlomo Yehuda’s YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmDVPeumLyddHw3Ta1vVlw
“Perfect Harmony” Article About The Yanuka – https://mishpacha.com/perfect-harmony-6/
“Properties Of The Number 34” – https://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu34.php
“618 Angel Number” – Meaning and Symbolism – https://angelnumber.org/618-angel-number/
We Want Moshiach Now (Global Prayer) – http://www.wewantmoshiachnow.net/
Gematria Calculators – https://www.ridingthebeast.com/gematria-calculator/ and https://www.torahcalc.com/gematria/
The Fuel Project – http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb – http://www.2028end.com
“2028 End Of The World Seminar” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
Anthony Patch – http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony’s Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
“Project Rooftop” Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) – https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf
The Diamond Report – http://www.thediamond.report
A researcher of all things Bible-related and End Times Bible Prophecy, Doug is a technical and creative professional in the music business as well as most aspects of digital media. He is also a researcher of truth and awareness issues, and host of “The Diamond Report” (www.thediamond.report). Doug enjoys “connecting the dots” of information from his favorite researchers (many of them clients) to come up with a clearer picture of where we are headed as a civilization, and humanity in general from a Christian perspective. For more information on his work in the music business, visit his website at www.diamondiscaudio.com. You can reach him at doug@takeittothelordinprayer.com or on most social media @diamondisc (except YouTube, that channel has been banned).