End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 8: Is This God’s Answer To The Mark Of The Beast?
This video was originally produced and published in December, 2020. Following up closely with Part 4 of the series, Doug drills-down further into Ron Wyatt’s discovery in 1980 of the Ark of the Covenant directly beneath the cross hole where Jesus was crucified. Researcher Kevin Fisher and his website play a pertinent role in revealing what might just be in-store for us – from God’s perspective – when the Mark of the Beast law is enforced which, for all intents and purposes will likely be very soon. The CV-19 vaccine scenario has been scientifically proven to meet that description via Anthony and Kathleen Patch’s research. The opening of the Sixth Seal may be sooner than we would all like to admit. This episode will encourage you if you are worried about where the globalists are taking us as fast as they can: to a One World order. But God will have a counter-narrative to the Mark of the Beast law, so all can decide who’s team they will play for: His – or Satan’s.
Subscribe to Doug’s YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAmShltkMxVrMNTmwbESrqg
PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES: http://www.takeittothelordinprayer.com
Revelation Timeline graphic (Original timeline by The Fuel Project + Dates Added by The Diamond Report, based on www.2028end.com) – https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aku-IsIoYig4q0ItEHpbVEjZoOkP (Click VIEW ORIGINAL for full-size)
Kevin Fisher – http://www.arkdiscovery.com
Michael Rood Ministries – http://www.aroodawakening.tv
Ark Files – http://www.arkfiles.net
Biologos – https://statement.biologos.org/
Anthony Patch – http://www.anthonypatch.com (CERN, A.I., Mark Of The Beast System)
Support Anthony’s Research: http://www.subscribestar.com/anthony-patch
“Project Rooftop” Paper (FREE DOWNLOAD) – https://www.anthonypatch.com/patreon/AnthonyPatch-ProjectRooftop.pdf
Anthony Patch – “Project Rooftop: The Mark Of The Beast” 9/15/20 – https://www.bitchute.com/video/yXVehFHPKpWn/
The Fuel Project – http://www.thefuelproject.org
The Book of Revelation guide playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0f6_epwixV5fGUp87rwkvafcI8gwS9Im
Gabriel Ansley Erb – http://www.2028end.com
“2028 End Of The World Seminar” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtG0etke28&list=PLcBDgtzZDmmYoKpSiGD94oF5fdX7Mc0mu
The Diamond Report – http://www.thediamond.report
A researcher of all things Bible-related and End Times Bible Prophecy, Doug is a technical and creative professional in the music business as well as most aspects of digital media. He is also a researcher of truth and awareness issues, and host of “The Diamond Report” (www.thediamond.report). Doug enjoys “connecting the dots” of information from his favorite researchers (many of them clients) to come up with a clearer picture of where we are headed as a civilization, and humanity in general from a Christian perspective. For more information on his work in the music business, visit his website at www.diamondiscaudio.com. You can reach him at doug@takeittothelordinprayer.com or on most social media @diamondisc (except YouTube, that channel has been banned).