Luke 10:21 (emphasis added) “At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for doing so was well pleasing in Your sight.”
Daniel 2:21-22 “He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things”
Daniel 2:19-23 ““May the name of God be blessed forever and ever,
For wisdom and power belong to Him.
21 It is He who changes the times and the periods;
He removes kings and appoints kings;
He gives wisdom to wise men,
And knowledge to people of understanding.
22 It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And the light dwells with Him.
23 To You, God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise,
For You have given me wisdom and power;
Even now You have made known to me what we requested of You,
For You have made known to us the king’s matter.”
For the last year, the Lord has had me daily, in many cases from the crack of dawn until late hours into the night, studying Bible prophecy without the help of commentaries or study guides. The only thing I was permitted to use was word studies (Strong’s, Blue Letter Bible). At the start of this year, I earnestly prayed for wisdom and understanding as I was moved to go through the prophetic scriptures myself with a new set of lenses.
I was disturbed, realizing that much of what we have been taught regarding Bible prophecy has been taught to us by apostates, as well as people who, at the time, didn’t have the understanding we have today with the increase in events and technology. I didn’t want to trust others with my understanding of the things to come. So I earnestly sought the Lord and His guidance.
It’s been exciting, to say the least, what all He has shown me. I am not able in this one video to reveal all that He has revealed to me, as it has been so much, I’ve hardly been able to keep up. All I can say is, WOW! We have been so misled and deceived! The things He has opened my eyes to are so obvious, I can’t believe it has not yet been found. Then again, God has hidden it from being understood…until now.
Why now? Because we are standing on the precipice of the hugest prophetic events in recorded history, and it is now time for God’s people to know the mysteries of the end! He does NOT want people deceived. He had to hide these things from us for a time for many reasons, including reasons we may never know, but also because it had to happen this way for prophecy to be fulfilled. Had we seen it before, there are things that very well could have been prevented or halted.
Please open your minds and your hearts to what I reveal here. And above all else, pray and seek the Lord. Please take the time to go through the scriptures, prayerfully (pray for wisdom, understanding, and for the scales to be removed from your eyes), for yourself!
After listening to this video in its entirety, I urge you to go through all the prophetic books of the Old Testament to the very end of the O.T. And, go through the entire New Testament through Revelation and see for yourself!
The two witnesses are ALL OVER the Bible, almost to the point of overwhelmingness! The identity of the two witnesses is precisely clear and there can be no doubt what I have found is indeed their true identity.
If you deny it after hearing this message and seeing ‘some’ of the evidence I have compiled, being there has been no evidence previously of their identities, except speculation, you will find out soon enough! There is enough solid, hardcore evidence in my presentation, and then some, that there can be no question. The previous teachings provide absolutely ZERO evidence.
And the Antichrist…I was stunned! We have been so misled about his true identity! But remember, Jesus Himself warned over and over, “DECEPTION!” So pay attention!
This message will challenge everything you have thought because everything I share is straight from the pages of the Holy Bible! Did I find this on my own? No. I found it because I sought the Lord with my whole heart and He led me and revealed it to me.
It is okay if you do not except what I reveal to you. There will be those who do accept it and of course those who will choose to hold to a spirit of tradition and keep their eyes closed. However, those who do not see it. nor believe it now will see, in the days SOON to come, that I have truly heard from the Lord God Almighty.
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TV Show Host, Video Creator, Biblical Researcher & Truth Teller. Aside from creating videos on her channel,, she also manages and hosts her show, Truth Hunters, a free show with a free app available on any android or apple device, ROKU, Apple TV and Amazon. You can email Lyn Leahz at Info@TruthHuntersShow.Com