The Teachings of Jesus Christ. Deeper Than You Ever Imagined!
They didn’t always understand Him. And many couldn’t understand Him, even if they had wanted to. He spoke boldly and with great authority, and oftentimes His words were incredibly shocking to many. He stirred controversy and rocked the boat just as much as He attracted large crowds. Even the most elite and well educated Pharisees and Sadducees were made speechless by His profound statements. When they couldn’t come up with an argument, they became even more angry.
They witnessed His miracles, couldn’t argue His words, and even knew the scriptures forwards and backwards. And so some privately wondered, “Who IS this man? Could He be the Messiah? A true prophet?” But then others pointed their finger with much hostility and rage, accusing, “He is a false prophet! Infested with demons! He speaks blasphemous things against God! And with what authority does He speak?”
But were their hearts really after the truth? Or was it something more sinister?
The truth is that Satan, (those two words look so odd together), since the beginning of his time on this earth as “the old serpent”, doesn’t want you or I to know the truth. He would prefer that we didn’t even scratch the surface, to be honest. But if we’re going to get anything at all out of the Bible, he would prefer it be served on a flimsy paper plate (made to look like fine china) with just as little as possible. But a seductive dinner wouldn’t be complete without a fancy looking cocktail full of the finest poison Hell has to offer!
In this message, we will go over, in detail, some of the words of Jesus Christ and find out a much deeper meaning than meets the eye! In fact, speaking of which, your eyes will be opened and your path aglow to the truth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! My hope is that your walk with Christ will be strengthened as you increase in Biblical Truth and understanding and decrease in deadly poison.
Time for a spiritual detox, maybe? Sadly, there are many spiritually constipated, backed up, plugged up, bound up christians who are in desperate need for some real Holy Ghost Ex-Lax to clean them out.
TO PREMIER JULY 22, 2021 AT 7:00 PM EDT. THE VIDEO WILL NOT PLAY UNTIL THIS TIME/DATE! Please come and join Lyn Leahz for live chat and fellowship tomorrow at 7 p.m. for the very first viewing of this video message!
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TV Show Host, Video Creator, Biblical Researcher & Truth Teller. Aside from creating videos on her channel,, she also manages and hosts her show, Truth Hunters, a free show with a free app available on any android or apple device, ROKU, Apple TV and Amazon. You can email Lyn Leahz at Info@TruthHuntersShow.Com