“Before them the earth quakes, The heavens tremble, The sun and the moon become dark, And the stars lose their brightness.11 The Lord utters His voice before His army; His camp is indeed very great, For mighty is one who carries out His word. The day of the Lord is indeed great and very awesome,…
Tag: 666
End Times Prophecies Hidden In Places You Least Expect!
The Bible is alive, and therefore has layer after layer of powerful, deep, and absolutely breathtaking information woven throughout each verse. If you seek wisdom and understanding, and ask the Lord without doubting, He will give it you! As you prayerfully search the scriptures, you will find a wealth of treasures each and every time!…
Seek the Lord while He may be found;Call upon Him while He is near.7 Let the wicked abandon his way,And the unrighteous person his thoughts;And let him return to the Lord,And He will have compassion on him,And to our God,For He will abundantly pardon.8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are My…
End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 10: Will This Jewish Rabbi Become The Biblical Antichrist?
End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 10: Will This Jewish Rabbi Become The Biblical Antichrist? This video was originally produced and published in April, 2021. Doug has been stating since beginning the “End Times Dates” series in 2019 that the Antichrist will come from Syria, that he will be…
End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 9: Revelation Timelines, 2021 and the Gematria of 666… Why?
End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 9: Revelation Timelines, 2021, & The Gematria Of 666… Why? This video was originally produced and published in March, 2021. Doug starts with a brief earthquake update and mentions how we may be on the precipice of the Sixth Seal Great Earthquake occurring,…
End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 8: Is This God’s Answer To The Mark Of The Beast?
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON 12/24/20 End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 8: Is This God’s Answer To The Mark Of The Beast? This video was originally produced and published in December, 2020. Following up closely with Part 4 of the series, Doug drills-down further into Ron Wyatt’s discovery in 1980…
End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 7: The Mark Of The Beast: Lucif Erase & The Strong Delusion
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON 9/25/20 End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 7: The Mark Of The Beast: Lucif Erase & The Strong Delusion This video was originally produced and published in September, 2020. This episode closely follows Part 6, so it’s really important to see both of them if possible….
End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 6: The Anti-Christ & The Coming One World Singularity
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON 9/14/20 End Times Dates – Take It To The Lord In Prayer Part 6: The Anti-Christ & The Coming One World Singularity This video was originally produced and published in September, 2020. In this episode, Doug intersperses video clips from researcher Anthony Patch with thoughts of his own about when the revealing…